The first: the quality center is a web based test management tools, can organize and manage application testing process at all stages, including specified test requirements, test plans, the implementation of testing and defect tracking. In addition, using the quality center can also create reports and charts to monitor the testing process. Center Quality is a powerful test management tool, the reasonable use of Center Quality can improve the efficiency of the test, save time, play a multiplier effect.
The testing requirement is the basis of the whole testing process, and describes the content of the test.. By creating the demand tree, you can define the demand in Center Quality. In the test needs view, you can define, view, modify, and convert the requirements. Among them, the demand conversion operation can be selected in the demand tree or all the needs of the test plan tree or the subject of the test plan.
After the definition of demand, according to the test needs to create a test plan tree ". Before testing the test, we must first determine the system environment and test resources and other related work.. Then the function of the system is decomposed into testable function, that is, the unit or subject of the test.. With the basic test information can be of the definition of each test subject test steps on how to perform the test detailed step-by-step instructions, steps are defined to include not only the execution of the operation, which also includes the desired results. In order to ensure the test plan meets the test needs, the test plan tree needs to establish the link. The test and the demand is many to the multi relationship, namely one test may cover many need, but one request may also be the multi test cover.
After the test plan view is designed to test the test set tree by creating the test set tree to organize the test flow. The test plan tree is added to the test focus, and can be tested by manual or automatic way.. Manual implementation of the test, should follow the test steps, compare the expected results and the actual output, and record the results. Run automated tests, quality center will automatically open the selected test tools (such as QTP, winrunner, etc.), on the local computer or on a remote host running tests and will export the results to quality center.
The defect of the discovery system, so that the system is one of the purposes of the test. Thus, Center Quality provides support for the defect management. In the defect management view, you can add new defects, match defects, update defects, defects, etc., and track defects until the defects are repaired.
In order to facilitate the needs assessment, test plan, test execution and bug tracking of progress, using the quality center in the process of test management generate reports and graphs, such as reporting requirements and report defects, defect map, for testing process analysis lay the foundation.
Second: QTP is an automatic test tool. The purpose of using QTP is to use it to perform repetitive manual tests, mainly for regression testing and testing the new version of the same software. So you have to consider how to test the application before testing, for example, to test those features, operating procedures, input data and the desired output data, etc.
QTP mainly uses GUI simulation of human operation. It records the objects and the sequence of operations when the operator is simulated, and then operates the objects in the record sequence when playback.. And in this simulation process, the most important thing is to identify the interface object (controls), and that QTP is how to do it? Here is a small example to illustrate:
For example, we want to test the network forum with the correct user name and password can successfully log in. The login interface is as follows:
The test procedure is as follows:
1 to identify the user name input box, password input box, login button controls
2 enter the correct user name in the user name input box.
3 enter the correct password in the password input box.
4 Click the login button
5 verify whether the success of the login, to verify the success of the log, then you have to know the difference between successful login and failed login. After the successful login page is as follows:
We can identify the success of the login by verifying the contents of the red box or verifying the contents of the green box, and then credited to the test report..
More than just a small example, from can see the object recognition is a very important issue is a very difficult problem, after all, now the control type is more and more (including third-party plug-ins or develop themselves or the definition of control. QTP how to identify the object, the following by QTP to identify the above examples of the control method to illustrate:
First, QTP identifies the object by recording the property of the control (of course, QTP is the default and can be configured).. Suppose QTP uses the tag HTML and the name attribute to identify the object, how does QTP handle it? Please see the picture below:
Figure -QTP object recognition
When recording with QTP, the QTP store the object in the object library.. The object is stored in the object library as shown above.. Namely, QTP will default to the recorded objects take a name (the name can change yourself, just use the object to this in the script to keep the name as you can), and the recognition of the object's attributes and attribute values are stored to a base object, we can put the knowledge
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